Forties blend crude oil assay

The chemical profiles, or crude oil assays, specify important properties such as the Antan Blend, 26.4°, 0.27%, Nigeria, Knock Taggart FPSO/Antan Terminal. Annex 1: Data reporting form for crude oil imports Crude Category. Typical United Kingdom. Brent Blend. A2. 38,3. 0,37. Forties. A3. 41,6. 0,24. Flotta. A4. (Mars, Brent, Forties, etc.) The 2012 Bakken pipeline receipt at SPR was an outlier in both. BPP and GOR relative to other light crudes.

Forties Blend incorporates production from around 80 fields (some operated by BP) in the North Sea which is gathered through the Forties Pipeline System. The system has a capacity of 1.15MBD of which around 400kbd is currently being utilised. Production from the Buzzard field is co-mingled with the blend from Forties Unity platform before reaching the Cruden Bay terminal which terminates at Kinneil (adjacent to Grangemouth Refinery). any element contained in this web site. Access to TOTSA's crude assays and supporting information is strictly limited to your direct needs or those of the company you work for. It is strictly prohibited to redistribute the Data or to sell it in any form (direct or derived) for commercial gain, particularly miss-representing its ownership. Any use, in whole or in part, in an external presentation or report should indicate "Source TOTAL". Equinor trades in crude oils, petroleum products, methanol, natural gas, power and emission allowances all over the world. We rank as the world's third largest net seller of crude oil with more than two million barrels of crude and condensate (light oil) traded every day. Crude Assays: Summary by Areas: Middle East Crudes: North Sea Crudes: West African Crudes: Subscribe Assays Updates: Accurate Market intelligence: Operational excellence: Selective shipping: Forefront trading technology: 500 professionals worldwide: GTCs for Trading Sales: GCCs for Barge Chartering Crude oil data Selecting a crude oil from the following list will display the assay data and crude oil washing recommendations from EI HM40 Abu Al Bu Khoosh Abu Safah ACG Blend Forcados Blend Foroozan Forth Central Forties Blend Fosterton Fulmar Furial Gaggiano Gagliano Galeota Mix Geisum Gela

Annex 1: Data reporting form for crude oil imports Crude Category. Typical United Kingdom. Brent Blend. A2. 38,3. 0,37. Forties. A3. 41,6. 0,24. Flotta. A4.

Crude oil comes in hundreds of different varieties or "grades." These grades are valued differently by refiners based on their crude qualities. Some of the more  Current Forties production is ~450 kbd, making it the largest crude oil stream in the UK. The most recent field is Buzzard which is pipelined from the Buzzard processing platform to the nearest point in the Forties System, approximately 28km away. Forties Blend Assay. Buzzard is a medium gravity, sour crude with an API of 32.6º and a whole crude sulphur level of 1.44% wt. Distillation of the crude produces a yield structure similar to the Urals Blend exported to North West Europe. Buzzard is sour but is not otherwise poor in quality. Forties Blend stabilized crude oil is then shipped from Hound Point on the Firth of Forth. Chevron's assets tied into this system are the Britannia, Brodgar, Callanish, Erskine and Elgin-Franklin gas condensate fields. Forties Blend is an important crude comprising oil and gas liquids from 20 fields in the central North Sea. This assay of the 40[degree] API, 0.35 wt% sulfur crude was performed in late 1993. According to the Journal's latest production survey, average 1993 production of Forties Blend was 427,750 b/d. Enterprise Oil says current production is about 400,000 b/d. Since an assay of Forties Blend was last published in the Journal, several fields have been added to the system: Everest, Lomond Forties Blend is an important crude comprising oil and gas liquids from 20 fields in the central North Sea (Fig. 1) (29975 bytes). This assay of the 400 API, 0.35 wt % sulfur crude was performed in late 1993. According to the Journal's latest production survey, average 1993 production of Forties Blend was 427,750 b/d. The Forties Pipeline System (FPS) is a 100% INEOS-owned integrated oil and gas liquid transportation and processing system. Learn More

The crude assays and other supplementary information in this website are provided for informational purposes only. The material is not advice on or a recommendation on any of the matters described. The material is not an offer or solicitation by or on behalf of BP p.l.c. or any of its affiliates. BP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness or completeness of the information, assumptions or analysis contained in this

Forties Blend is an important crude comprising oil and gas liquids from 20 fields in the central North Sea (Fig. 1) (29975 bytes). This assay of the 400 API, 0.35 wt % sulfur crude was performed in late 1993. According to the Journal's latest production survey, average 1993 production of Forties Blend was 427,750 b/d. The Forties Pipeline System (FPS) is a 100% INEOS-owned integrated oil and gas liquid transportation and processing system. Learn More The crude assays and other supplementary information in this website are provided for informational purposes only. The material is not advice on or a recommendation on any of the matters described. The material is not an offer or solicitation by or on behalf of BP p.l.c. or any of its affiliates. BP makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, reasonableness or completeness of the information, assumptions or analysis contained in this

A crude oil assay is essentially the chemical evaluation of crude oil feedstocks by petroleum testing laboratories. Each crude oil type has unique molecular, chemical characteristics. No crude oil type is identical and there are crucial differences in crude oil quality. The results of crude oil assay testing provide extensive detailed hydrocarbon analysis data for refiners, oil traders and producers. (Source: Wikipedia)

Liquids from over 50 fields flow onshore by pipeline to the stabilization, separation, and processing facilities at Kinneil, Grangemouth. Forties Blend stabilized 

Forties, a crude oil blend deliverable into the 21-Day Brent--Forties-Oseberg of Buzzard has thrown up a quality surprise not evident in early assays: The.

26 Nov 2018 Current Forties production is ~450 kbd, making it the largest crude oil stream in the UK. Forties Blend crude oil changed in quality at the beginning of 2007 when crude A detailed assay for Forties Blend is published on and can be  C1 to C4, 2.80. Naphtha (C5 to 149°C), 24.74. Kerosene (149°C to 232°C), 15.03 . Gas Oil (232°C to 369°C), 23.66. Atmospheric Residue (369°C), 33.77  27 May 2014 Forties Blend Crude Oil is made up of oil from 70 fields spread over a large area Exploration And Production In The UK · Forties Assay, BP 

Crude oil comes in hundreds of different varieties or "grades." These grades are valued differently by refiners based on their crude qualities. Some of the more  Current Forties production is ~450 kbd, making it the largest crude oil stream in the UK. The most recent field is Buzzard which is pipelined from the Buzzard processing platform to the nearest point in the Forties System, approximately 28km away. Forties Blend Assay. Buzzard is a medium gravity, sour crude with an API of 32.6º and a whole crude sulphur level of 1.44% wt. Distillation of the crude produces a yield structure similar to the Urals Blend exported to North West Europe. Buzzard is sour but is not otherwise poor in quality. Forties Blend stabilized crude oil is then shipped from Hound Point on the Firth of Forth. Chevron's assets tied into this system are the Britannia, Brodgar, Callanish, Erskine and Elgin-Franklin gas condensate fields. Forties Blend is an important crude comprising oil and gas liquids from 20 fields in the central North Sea. This assay of the 40[degree] API, 0.35 wt% sulfur crude was performed in late 1993. According to the Journal's latest production survey, average 1993 production of Forties Blend was 427,750 b/d. Enterprise Oil says current production is about 400,000 b/d. Since an assay of Forties Blend was last published in the Journal, several fields have been added to the system: Everest, Lomond